Run Ravada in development mode

Once it is installed, you have to run the two ravada daemons. One is the web frontend and the other one runs as root and manage the virtual machines.

Run scripts

Both rvd_front and rvd_back must run. It is a good practice run each one in a different terminal.

The backend runs as root because it has to deal with the VM processes. It won’t reload automatically when there is a change, so it has to be restarted manually when the code is modified:

sudo PERL5LIB=./lib ./script/rvd_back --debug

The web frontend runs with the morbo tool that comes with mojolicious. It auto reloads itself if it detects any change in the source code:

PERL5LIB=./lib morbo -m development -v ./script/rvd_front

Stop system Ravada

You may have another copy of Ravada if you installed the package release. rvd_back will complain if it finds there is another daemon running. Stop it with:

$ sudo systemctl stop rvd_back; sudo systemctl stop rvd_front

Run in fish

If you use the fish shell you must run the scripts with these commands:

sudo PERL5LIB=./lib script/rvd_back --debug
set -x PERL5LIB ./lib ; morbo -m development -v script/rvd_front