Frontend Libraries

When upgrading frontend libraries they must be changed in three places: packages.json, scripts and fallback.


This file is a MANIFEST and is only used so we receive security alerts from github. Update it with latest updates of the libraries.


Change scripts pointed in the files templates/bootstrap/scripts.html.ep and templates/bootstrap/header.html.ep


Fallback mode can be set up when the libraries are stored in the same Ravada server. A copy of all the libraries is downloaded following the fallback guide.

Change the fallback files list in the file etc/fallback.conf

This file format is:

URL [optional directory/]

So the lines are like this. Notice the first one has the directory and the second line doesn’t need one.

etc/fallback.conf: morris.js/

Active the fallback, go to the ravada main source directory and fetch it to check it is working:

Enable Fallback

Set fallback to 1 in the file etc/rvd_front.conf, then restart the frontend.

Fetch the fallback

cd ravada