Localization and translation
You can translate Ravada at Weblate. As a feature rich computer aided translation tool, Weblate saves both developers and translators time.
Automated localization workflow
Quality checks
Attribution, all translator are properly credited
You can read weblate features in follow link.
Ravada weblate repository is updated from Github, and the contributions goes automatic to develop branch in Github.
New entries
New english entries must be added in the en.po
file. It’s the origin of the other language files. This new strings will be incorporated automatically in weblate.
Please don’t add new entries in other .po files directly. Use Weblate instead.
The language files are stored here in lib/Ravada/I18N.
When creating a new translation language, also add it in the frontend so it gets
listed for the end users. At around line 1337 in the sub _translation
a line like this:
sub _translations($c) {
my %lang_name=(
ar => 'Arab'
,en => 'English'
,XX => 'New language'