Disable Spice Password
When the users start a virtual machine, a password is defined for the spice connection. This can be disabled for a given network or in the main settings.
If you want to disable Spice passwords for all the virtual machines in all the networks, disable it in Admin Tools , then Settings. The option is Display Password.
Follow the next guide if you want to disable the display password only for clients that access from some networks.
Define the network
Choose the Admin Tools option Networks. Create a new network and enable the settings that suit you best.

New network form
Set a name for this network definition, you may want to allow access without client password. Enable all machines so users from this network can access the virtual machines.
Applying settings
This settings applies on starting a new virtual machine. So running virtual machines will keep the former settings. Shutting them down and up will trigger the new configuration.
Default setting
Any other network requires password as defined by the ‘’ network setting.
Why is that ?
Ravada opens SPICE connections and manages iptables to make sure no one can connect to another user’s virtual machine. This is also enforced through the password setting. Please consider disabling it only in controlled, seat-unique ip environments. Configuring SPICE-TLS is recommended.