Running Ravada in production

Ravada has two daemons that must run on the production server:

  • rvd_back : must run as root and manages the virtual machines

  • rvd_front : is the web frontend that sends requests to the backend

System services

Configuration for boot start

There are two services to start and stop the two ravada daemons:

After install or upgrade you may have to refresh the systemd service units:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Check the services are enabled to run at startup

sudo systemctl enable rvd_back
sudo systemctl enable rvd_front


sudo systemctl start rvd_back
sudo systemctl start rvd_front


You should check if the daemons started right the very first time with the status command. See troubleshooting frequently problems if it failed to start.

sudo systemctl status rvd_back
sudo systemctl status rvd_front


sudo systemctl stop rvd_back
sudo systemctl stop rvd_front


Ravada uses Qemu to manage the virtual machines. We encourage change this settings so hibernated machines are stored compressed. This way you will save a large amount of disk space on your server.

Edit the file /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf and uncomment and change this line:

save_image_format = "bzip2"

You have to restart libvirt after changing this file:

sudo systemctl restart libvirtd


The default visualization protocol, SPICE, can be hardened installing a TLS certificate.


You can reach the Ravada frontend heading to http://your.server.ip:8081/. It is advised to run an Apache server or similar before the frontend.

In order to make ravada use apache, you must follow the steps explained on here.


Ravada uses iptables to restrict the access to the virtual machines. These iptables rules grants acess to the admin workstation to all the domains and disables the access to everyone else. When the users access through the web broker they are allowed to the port of their virtual machines.

In this example we restrict the access to the virtual machines display. The first line is optional but handy if we want to allow access to an administrator workstation for debugging purposes.

-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp -s ip.of.admin.workstation --dport 5900:7000 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 5900:7000 -j DROP

Virtual machines display ports start on 5900. If you want to override this configuration, because some other firewall is filtering this port, you can do it this way:

Edit /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf, uncomment and change remote_display_port_min.

# Override the port for creating both VNC and SPICE sessions (min).
# This defaults to 5900 and increases for consecutive sessions
# or when ports are occupied, until it hits the maximum.
remote_display_port_min = 5910
#remote_display_port_max = 65535

Then restart libvirtd:

sudo systemctl restart libvirtd

The next virtual machine that starts will be shown from this port (5910). This won’t change machines already started unless you shut them down and start them again.


Struggling with the installation procedure ? We tried to make it easy but let us know if you need assistance.

There is also a troubleshooting page with common problems that admins may face.

If you do not know how to create a virtual machine, please read creating virtual machines.