Must run from the command line interface (CLI)
Create users
sudo ./usr/sbin/rvd_back --add-user=username
sudo ./usr/sbin/rvd_back --add-user-ldap=username
Import KVM virtual machines
Usually, virtual machines are created within ravada, but they can be imported from existing KVM domains. Once the domain is created :
sudo ./usr/sbin/rvd_back --import-domain=a
It will ask the name of the user the domain will be owned by. You must enter a valid username that will own the virtual machine within Ravada.
Also you will be asked wether you want to spinoff the disk volumes or not.
You probably want to answer no. You should answer yes if you created the volumes with a backend file and want to flatten them out just. It may be the case if you migrated the virtual machine from another server.
View all rvd_back options
In order to manage your backend easily, rvd_back has a few flags that lets you made different things (like changing the password for an user).
If you want to view the full list, execute:
sudo rvd_back --help
Must run from the frontend
Create Virtual Machine
Go to Admin -> Machines and press New Machine button.
If anything goes wrong check Admin -> Messages for information from the Ravada backend.
ISO MD5 missmatch
When downloading the ISO, it may fail or get old. Check the error message for the name of the ISO file and the ID.
Option 1: clean ISO and MD5
Remove the ISO file shown at the error message
Clean the MD5 entry in the database:
mysql -u rvd_user -p ravada mysql > update iso_images set md5='' WHERE id=*ID*
Then you have to create the machine again from scratch and make it download the ISO file.
Option 2: refresh the ISO table
If you followed Option 1 and it still fails you may have an old version of the information in the isoimages table. Remove that entry and insert the data again:
mysql -u rvd_user -p ravada -e "DELETE FROM iso_images WHERE id=_ID_"
Insert the data from the SQL file installed with the package:
mysql -u rvd_user -p ravada -f < /usr/share/doc/ravada/sql/data/insert_iso_images.sql
It will report duplicated entry errors, but the removed row should be inserted again.
Create base of a Virtual Machine
Go to Admin tools -> Virtual Machines
1st Base
If you have configured your Virtual Machine, now you can do the Base:
Select the Base checkbox.
The Virtual Machine will be published if you select the Public checkbox.
2nd base or more
In this case, you have a previous Base and you’ve made some changes at the machine. Now you must prepare a Base again.
Remove all clones of this Virtual Machine.
Select the Base checkbox to prepare base.