Set access restrictions to Virtual Machines

When a base is set as public , all the users have access to create clones by default. If you want to set access restrictions to base you can filter by LDAP attributes.

Access restrictions

Restrictions can be defined given a base and the value of an LDAP attribute. For example, you could set that only users who have the attribute “typology” as “teacher” are allowed to clone a virtual machine. Or you could deny “student” users access to another base.


Actually there is a form to configure the access restrictions in the works. Until it is done you have to set this directly in the database.

Grant access

To grant access add an entry in the table access_ldap_attribute with the id of the base, the name of the attribute, the value of the attribute. The optional field allowed can be used to deny access to a virtual machine.

To remove a grant delete the row from the table access_ldap_attribute.


Example 1: grant access

Grant access to a virtual machine, only to those users that have typology = teacher.

First you need to know the id of the base virtual machine.

mysql> select id,name from domains where name ='mymachine';
| id   | name                     |
| 88   | mymachine                |

Then add the restriction:

mysql> insert into access_ldap_attribute (id_domain, attribute,value) VALUES(88,'typology','teacher');

Example 2: deny access

Deny access to a virtual machine, to those users that have typology = student.

First you need to know the id of the base virtual machine.

mysql> select id,name from domains where name ='mymachine2';
| id   | name                     |
| 89   | mymachine2                |

Then add the restriction:

mysql> insert into access_ldap_attribute (id_domain, attribute,value,allowed) VALUES(89,'typology','student',0);

Example 3: remove an access restriction

We have some a restriction to deny access to students we want to remove because we want everybody access to that virtual machine:

mysql> select * from access_ldap_attribute;
| id | id_domain | attribute | value   | allowed |
|  2 |        88 | typology  | teacher |       1 |
|  3 |        89 | typology  | student |       0 |
mysql> delete from access_ldap_attribute where id=3;