Install Ravada on Rocky Linux 9 or RHEL9

Add Pre-Requisite Software

sudo dnf install mariadb-server

And don’t forget to enable and start the server process:

sudo systemctl enable --now mariadb.service
sudo systemctl start mariadb.service

MySQL database and user

It is required a database for internal use. In this examples we call it ravada. We also need an user and a password to connect to the database. It is customary to call it rvd_user. In this stage the system wants you to set a password for the sql connection.


If installing ravada on Ubuntu 18 or newer you should enter your user’s password instead of mysql’s root password.

Create the database:

sudo mysqladmin -u root -p create ravada

Grant all permissions on this database to the rvd_user:

sudo mysql -u root -p ravada -e "grant all on ravada.* to rvd_user@'localhost' identified by 'Pword12345*'"

Add Another Pre-Requisite Software

sudo dnf install httpd

Enable and Start HTTPD service

sudo systemctl start httpd
sudo systemctl enable httpd
sudo systemctl status httpd

Allow firewallD service

sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=80/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=443/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --reload


sudo dnf install qemu-kvm libvirt virt-manager virt-install iptables-services httpd mysql-server perl git

Install Required Perl Module using CPAN Shell Open CPAN shell using

perl -MCPAN -e shell

Install Required Perl Modules using inside CPAN shell using

install Authen::SASL Authen::ModAuthPubTkt Authen::Passphrase Authen::Passphrase::SaltedDigest Carp DBIx::Connector Data::Dumper DateTime DateTime::Duration DateTime::Format::DateParse Digest::MD5 Digest::SHA Encode Encode::Locale Fcntl File::Basename File::Copy File::Path File::Rsync File::Tee Getopt::Long Hash::Util I18N::LangTags::Detect IO::Interface IO::Interface::Simple IO::Socket IPC::Run3 Image::Magick Image::Magick::Q16HDRI JSON::XS LWP::UserAgent Locale::Maketext Locale::Maketext::Lexicon MIME::Base64 Mojo::DOM Mojo::Home Mojo::JSON Mojo::Template Mojo::UserAgent Mojolicious Mojolicious::Lite Mojolicious::Plugin::Config Mojolicious::Plugin::I18N Moose Moose::Role Moose::Util::TypeConstraints MooseX::Types::NetAddr::IP Net::DNS Net::Domain Net::LDAP Net::LDAP::Entry Net::LDAP::Util Net::LDAPS Net::OpenSSH Net::Ping NetAddr::IP PBKDF2::Tiny POSIX Proc::PID::File Ravada Socket Storable Sys::Hostname Sys::Virt Sys::Virt::Domain Sys::Virt::Stream Time::HiRes Time::Piece URI URI::Escape XML::LibXML YAML base feature locale strict utf8 vars warnings


Ravada works in any Linux distribution.


RPM packages are kindly built by a third party. Please check the release available. If you want the latest verstion it is adviced to install it on top of Ubuntu or Debian.


It depends on the number and type of virtual machines. For common scenarios are server memory, storage and network bandwidth the most critical requirements.


RAM is the main issue. Multiply the number of concurrent workstations by the amount of memory each one requires and that is the total RAM the server must have.


The faster the disks, the better. Ravada uses incremental files for the disks images, so clones won’t require many space.

Make sure you are in root folder

cd /root

Download Ravada from Git Repo

git clone

Install Ravada

Go to Ravada folder

cd ravada

Once Inside the Ravada folder, Install using make

make install

Once Ravada Perl module has been installed, confirm the file has been installed perl libaries by typing

ls /usr/local/share/perl5/5.32/

If you “Ravada” folder and all the lib folders installed, you have successfully installed Ravada Perl module

Now, it’s time to copy essential files

cp -r /root/ravada /usr/share/ravada
cp -r /root/ravada/etc/systemd/* /etc/systemd/system/
cp /root/ravada/etc/ravada.conf /etc/
cp /root/ravada/etc/rvd_front.conf.example /etc/rvd_front.conf
sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Modify the rvd_front.conf accordingly

Now, it’s time to install rvd_back service

perl /root/ravada/script/rvd_back

Once the rvd_back is installed, we need to add the admin for the web interface: Add a new user for the ravada web. Use rvd_back to create it. It will perform some initialization duties in the database the very first time this script is executed.

When asked if this user is admin answer yes.

sudo /usr/sbin/rvd_back --add-user admin

We can enable the rvd_back and rvd_front service

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable rvd_back
sudo systemctl enable rvd_front
sudo systemctl start rvd_back
sudo systemctl start rvd_front

Change the Qemu config

vim /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf

Uncomment the following line:

save_image_format = "bzip2"

You have to restart libvirt after changing this file:

sudo systemctl restart libvirtd