Localized ISO downloads
It is possible to add localized Linux installation images to create virtual machines.
In this image we see the user can download the Linkat Linux Distribution in Catalan which normally is not available.

Enabling localized distributions
There are two ways these special localized Linux Distributions are enabled: when an user logs in using this language or from the CLI.
Enabling localized distributions logging in
As soon as an user logs in and has the web browser configured with one of the languages known to us, if there is a localized ISO, it is added to the list. It is also added if the user selects this language from the profile settings.
When the user creates a new virtual machine the new template is automatically available.
Enabling localized distributions from CLI
There is an easy way to enable the localized Linux Distribution from the command line. Just call the rvd_back application with the –add-local-repository parameter.
In this example we enable the Russian repository so now Astra Linux is available to download.
sudo rvd_back --add-locale-repository ru
Adding more localized distributions
Let us know if you want to have your distributions listed. The best way is to contribute to our project with a new config file.
You can see a real world example for the Russian repository. It must be created inside the directory etc/repository/iso with the name of the locale.
Then there must be at least one YML file with the description of the ISO image to download.
In this example we give the name and description of the Linux Distribution. We base the virtual machine in Bionic Ubuntu Linux 64 bits. It does not matter if the new distribution does not come from Ubuntu. It just uses it for creating the CPU, Memory and common virtual hardware. Also it is required to give the minimal disk space required for installing this Linux distro.
name: Astra Linux
description: Astra Linux Orel 2.12.13 64 bits
url: https://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/astra/current/orel/iso/
file_re: orel-2..*.iso
md5_url: $url/orel-2.*md5
arch: amd64
xml: bionic-amd64.xml
xml_volume: bionic64-volume.xml
min_disk_size: 5
min_ram: 2
If you have problems contributing to our code you can ask for assistance or you may send us the yml file yourself.